
Professionals' perception about the guidebook Violence against the elderly in the family context


Prevention and intervention in domestic violence against the elderly requires a multidisciplinary and concerted approach of the interinstitutional network of ali the professionals and organizations involved. Starting from the reality of the organization of the intervention services of the district of Bragança it was developed and distributed in the network services a guidebook entitled "Violence against the elderly in the family context: support guide for professionals in the identification and signaling". This communication aims to: (i) understand the impact ofthis resource for the development of professional skills m the protection of the elderly; (li) strengthen the interinstitutional network for the prevention of domestic violence against the elderly. To accomplish these goals a quantitative and cross-sectional study was conducted on a representativé survey of professionals and formal caregivers of the district of Bragança. This pioneering study, carried out in the northem and interior region of Portugal, reinforces the importance of an integrated perspective that considers the local idiosyncrasies for the affirmation of the rights of older people, as well as for the qualification of ali those involved in the promotion ofadequate care for the

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