
Sensory quality evaluation of Serrana Kids meat: effect of sex and carcass weight


The main purpose of this work is the characterization of Serrana kids carcass and meat, which is a Protected Origin Denomination product. The effects of sex and carcass weight were studied. Parameters of toughness, juiciness, flavour intensity, flavour quality, odour intensity, fibre presence, sweet intensity and overall acceptability were evaluated on sixty males and females allocated to 3 carcass weight groups: 4, 6 and 8 kg. Sensory quality of meal was evaluated by a trained taste panel of 11 experts in five sessions. Meat was previously cooked in a conventional oven until inner temperature reached 70/S00C. Then it was cut in sample pieces of2*2*0.5 cm and given to the pane l members to be evaluated following a standard methodology

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