
A rose without thorns


The song Waridi lisilo miba (both lyrics and music) was composed in 1960 by Seif Selim, a member of the taarab club Akhwan Safaa and a great artist. It was performed by Hussein bin Ali and the orchestra of the Zanzibari Taarab’s National Group (Kikundi cha Taifa cha Taarab).The Verba Africana series publishes video recording of African verbal arts on CDRom's, DVD’s and the Internet. This series responds to the increasing need for new electronic tools that integrate the written and audio-visual materials for research, teaching and learning of African languages and oral literatures. The video recording of oral genres, such as poems, songs and tales, is integrated into the presentation of relevant aspects (language, form, content, performance, literary, social and historical context). The videos and the accompanying material (short information and full articles) allow researchers and the interested public to approach oral literary productions as ‘total event’.NWO, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Researc

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