
Convergence radius of perturbative Lindblad driven non-equilibrium steady states


We address the problem of analyzing the radius of convergence of perturbative expansion of non-equilibrium steady states of Lindblad driven spin chains. A simple formal approach is developed for systematically computing the perturbative expansion of small driven systems. We consider the paradigmatic model of an open XXZXXZ spin 1/2 chain with boundary supported ultralocal Lindblad dissipators and treat two different perturbative cases: (i) expansion in system-bath coupling parameter and (ii) expansion in driving (bias) parameter. In the first case (i) we find that the radius of convergence quickly shrinks with increasing the system size, while in the second case (ii) we find that the convergence radius is always larger than 11, and in particular it approaches 11 from above as we change the anisotropy from easy plane (XYXY) to easy axis (Ising) regime

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