
Methodology for measurement of parameters of luminaires by spectroradiometer and goniophotometer


Táto diplomová práca je zameraná na riešenie problematiky merania svietidiel. Keďže svietidiel je na trhu obrovské množstvo a dnešným trendom je vyrábať svietidlá so zdrojom LED, zamerám sa na tento smer. V práci sa budem zaoberať problematikou LED osvetlenia vozidla, kde sú kladené na svietidlo určité požiadavky. Budem sa taktiež zaoberať problematikou merania a návrhom vhodnej metódy merania svietidiel pomocou spektroradiometra a goniofotometra. Svietidlo sa podrobí jasovej analýze. Výsledky z meraní porovnám na základe medzinárodných noriem pre automotive.This diploma thesis is focused on solving problems of luminaire measurement. Since there is a huge amount of light on the market and today's trend is to produce LED lamps, I will focus on that direction. In my work I will deal with the issue of LED lighting of the vehicle where certain requirements are placed on the luminaire. I will also deal with the measurement and design of a suitable method of measuring luminaires using a spectroradiometer and a goniophotometer. The lamp is subjected to luminance analysis. The results from measurements are compared on the basis of international automotive standards.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvelmi dobř

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