Is there a relation between working memory limitation and sentence comprehension? A study of conduction and agrammatic aphasia


The study explored the nature of the relation between phonological working memory and sentence comprehension in conduction and agrammatic aphasia. We compared two types of processing required during sentence comprehension: syntactic-semantic and word-form(phonological) reactivation, in 12 individuals with input-buffer conduction-aphasia(repetition), 3 with output-buffer conduction aphasia(reproduction) and 7 with agrammatism. This was done via the analysis of comprehension of relative-clauses, sentence with lexical ambiguity, and rhyming judgment. The results of the 3 experiments indicated that phonological working memory limitation only hampers comprehension when phonological reactivation is required, and the distance between the initial word and its reactivation exceeds the WM limitation

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