
Роль архієпископа Волинсько-Ровенського Мефодія (Мензака) в діяльності Волинської духовної семінарії (1959–1964 рр.) (A role of archbishop of Volyn-Rovno diocese Methodius (Menzak) is in activity of Volyn spiritual seminary)


Висвітлено становище Волинської духовної семінарії на початку 1960-х років, подано характеристику діяльності одного з її ректорів – архімандрита Мефодія (Мензака). Особливу увагу приділено антирелігійній політиці Хрущова. (The article deals with the state of the Volynian theological seminary during the antichurch policy of Soviet regime in the times of Nikita Khrushchev. The greatest attention was paid to the fact that the end of 50’s – the first half of 60’s years of XXth century were the most difficult period for the theological establishment. Those were the times when ateistic power aimed at fully liquidation of the theological seminary. Contrary to other seminaries the Volynian seminary was accused (besides other accusations) in spreading of religious abscurantism and the enemy’s nationalistic ideology. The object of the given research is one of the rectors of seminary – archimandrite Mefodii (Menzak) who was at the head of the Volynian theological seminary in 1959-1962 years. At the beginning of 1960s years state power declared completion of programme for the communist society buieding and pursued a course for the full liquidation of religion and Church. The greatest persecutions and trials for theological seminary took place in those years when archimandrite Mefodii was rector of the given establishment. It is also showh in the article that inspite of persecutions leaders of the theological establishment with their rector archimandrite Mefodii(Menzak) at the head did all the possible to protect the theological seminary in Lutsk.

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