Knowledge has been one of the primary elements providing survival of human being’s existence and his evolvement throughout the history. Also for today, which being named as information age, together with technology the knowledge is being one of the two basic dynamics and power facts of life. To be able to convert knowledge into life dynamics and power; the society should be
composed of the individuals who can take notice of and reach to the right needed knowledge from all over the stack, match up this knowledge with the technology
and that learning how to learn. One of the establishments which are responsible for teaching individuals and the society to learn truthfully with the right knowledge are the schools. Within this period having a direct influence on the life quality and development of society; the primary units expected to support schools, teachers and students are being school libraries. In this study; it is
aimed to make quantitative analysis of 23 high school libraries located in Buca district of İzmir and giving service within the body of Ministry of National
Education. In the period of collecting data regarding these libraries; school administrators and library responsibles are interviewed; for statistical datas
record books are utilized. Results showed that despite of existing good examples, in general, high school libraries fell behind the standards of the collection, site, staff and activity which designated in IFLA School Library Guidelines