A measurement of the W+W- production cross-section in pp collisions at center of mass energy =1.96 TeV in the dilepton channel and limits on anomalous WWZ/gamma couplings.


Measurements of the production cross section of W+W7- pairs in pp collisions at 1.96 TeV and limits on trilinear gauge boson coupling (TGC) parameters are presented. The data were recorded with the CDF experiment at Tevatron during the 2001 and 2002 data taking periods in which a total integrated luminosity of 184 pb-1 was collected. The data sample was filtered for events with two leptonic W boson decays where the charged leptons can be either electrons or muons. 17 events are ob served against an expected background of 5.01q 8 events. The resulting cross- section is found to be a(pp -> W+W ) = 14.5l5 (stat)lJ g(syst) 0.9(lum) pb and agrees well with the Standard Model expectation. Limits on the TGC parameters Aac and A are set under both the equal coupling scheme, that assumes the W boson couples identically to the Z and 7, and the HISZ coupling scheme, that requires the couplings to respect SU(2)L x U(l)y gauge symmetry. In both cases this is achieved by using a likelihood fit to the lepton-PT distribution of the 17 candidate events. The resulting limits are found to be: -0.4 < Aac < +0.6 (A = 0) - 0.3 < A < +0.4 (An = 0) for the EQUAL couplings and -0.7 < Ak < +0.9 (A = 0) - 0.4 < A < +0.4 (An = 0) for the HISZ couplings

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