CSCE 411H: Data Modeling for Systems Development—A Peer Review of Teaching Project Inquiry Portfolio


A new course CSCE411H has been developed in 2015-2016. The course tackles the learning of traditional and emerging data modeling techniques in big data related areas from the system and application perspectives. The students have mixed background in Business, Engineering, and Art and Science with different levels. These have introduced a unique set of challenges in the development of this new course. In this inquiry portfolio, I investigated if the adjustment of assignments can benefit the team work of the students with a variety of background. Through the data collection and analysis, the investigation showed that the new assignment design can facilitate the students to reach the learning goals. It also suggested that more effort would be desired to design assignments to help business students in team work with increasing complexities. Although this inquiry portfolio targets a specific question, the general methodology can help us systematically investigate and address other issues in teaching and learning activities

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