ADE Treasurer\u27s Report, Fiscal Year, September 1, 2002-August 31, 2003


The finances of the Association for Documentary Editing are sound. 91 There has been a decrease in the general budget of 377,givingusunrestrictedassetstotaling377, giving us unrestricted assets totaling 59,706. This year\u27s slight reduction is mitigated by the large increase from last year (7,401),andthatlargeoveragepartlyexplainsthepresentshowing.Aportionofthemoneyforlastyear2˘7sconferenceinWashington,D.C.,wasreceivedbeforethefiscalyearbegan,sothosemonieswerereportedfortheyearinwhichtheywerereceivedratherthanacrosstwoyears.Inthepresentsingleβˆ’pagereporttheWashingtonconferencelookstohaveadeficit,butwhenthefullrangeofincomeandexpensesaredetailedinaseparatespecificreport,theconferenceshowsanoverageof7,401), and that large overage partly explains the present showing. A portion of the money for last year\u27s conference in Washington, D.C., was received before the fiscal year began, so those monies were reported for the year in which they were received rather than across two years. In the present single-page report the Washington conference looks to have a deficit, but when the full range of income and expenses are detailed in a separate specific report, the conference shows an overage of 815. Understanding this, we have no need to be concerned about ADE finances for now or in the future. Our members continue to make generous contributions by joining the organization at higher levels and by giving extra money to the general fund. We can thank our members for their generosity which makes possible a sound financial situation

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