
Trace minerals in human health: iron, zinc, copper, manganese and fluorine


Trace elements exist in the environment in small amounts but play an essential part in sustaining various physiological and metabolic processes occurring within living tissues, as enzymes structure and function, bone and blood maintenance, immune responses or transmission of nerve impulses. They must be obtained from diet, being a varied and balanced diet important for obtaining a series of elements necessary for our body. The total amount of a mineral in a food that is dependent on digestion, its release from the food matrix and the absorption rate by the intestinal cells. If minerals are not supplied in adequate quantities, signs and symptoms of trace elements deficiencies appear. Beyond the nutritional aspects, trace elements have applications in the pharmaceutical industry, integrating pharmacologically active compounds. Usually, in the form of metal complexes, these metal-based drugs are used as anticancer therapeutics, antiinflammatories, antidiabetic drugs or antimicrobial agents. This evolving field is developing metal complexes with remarkable actions, and new metal-based drugs are emerging every year. This article aims to review the main effects of trace elements in human health, namely iron, zinc, copper, manganese and fluorine, focusing on the physiopathology and consequences of lack or excess of these elements. Also, it offers an overview of research information published in recent years concerning the use of these metals in compounds that show promising pharmacological

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