Efficacy of Transport Mikron Against Nuisance Ants When Applied Around Structures, 2015


Ants are nuisance pests around the homes and other structures. Insecticide baits and sprays are commonly used for controlling ants. The research was conducted to determine efficacy of Transport Mikron and Temprid SC against these nuisance ants. The trial was conducted around two buildings on East Campus, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. A total of 20 experimental plots were established with 3 ft buffer zone between individual plots. The dimension of each experimental plot consists of 20 ft lengthx10 ft width + 3 ft high on foundation wall (260 ft2). Each treatment was replicated four times yielding 1040 ft2. Four plots were randomly assigned to one of the five treatments. The experimental design was a completely randomized design (CRD). Pretreatment ant population was monitored by placing four ant baittube traps made of cylindrical plastic tube (17x100mm (VWR, Chicago, IL)) in each experimental unit on 20 Aug. Peanut butter (0.5 inch diam) on paper was used as a bait in each. Foraging nuisance ant populations were pooled across species, counted, and used as a baseline for calculating the percent reduction in ant populations resulting from treatments. All insecticide treatments were applied using a 1-gallon B&G Compressed Air Sprayer (Jackson, GA) on 25 Aug. Ants were monitored at 1, 7, 14, and 31 days after insecticide treatment (DAT) using the same techniques used for pretreatment assessment. The percent reduction trends were evaluated using pre- and post-treatment nuisance ant population counts. Data were analyzed as repeated measures ANOVA (P\u3c0.05) using PROC GLIMMIX (SAS 9.4. SAS institute, NC). Means were analyzed/sorted by time with significant differences being collection interval specific

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