A Simulation Method for the Computation of the E


We propose a set of numerical methods for the computation of the frequency-dependent eff ective primary wave velocity of heterogeneous rocks. We assume the rocks' internal microstructure is given by micro-computed tomography images. In the low/medium frequency regime, we propose to solve the acoustic equation in the frequency domain by a Finite Element Method (FEM). We employ a Perfectly Matched Layer to truncate the computational domain and we show the need to repeat the domain a su cient number of times to obtain accurate results. To make this problem computationally tractable, we equip the FEM with non-fitting meshes and we precompute multiple blocks of the sti ffness matrix. In the high-frequency range, we solve the eikonal equation with a Fast Marching Method. Numerical results con rm the validity of the proposed methods and illustrate the e ffect of density, porosity, and the size and distribution of the pores on the e ective compressional wave velocity

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