Pointwise Convergence over Fractals for Dispersive Equations with Homogeneous Symbol


We study the problem of pointwise convergence for equations of the type itu+P(D)u=0i\hbar\partial_tu + P(D)u = 0, where the symbol PP is real, homogeneous and non-singular. We prove that for initial data fHs(Rn)f\in H^s(\mathbb{R}^n) with s>(nα+1)/2s>(n-\alpha+1)/2 the solution uu converges to ff Hα\mathcal{H}^\alpha-a.e, where Hα\mathcal{H}^\alpha is the α\alpha-dimensional Hausdorff measure. We improve upon this result depending on the dispersive strength of the symbol. On the other hand, we prove negative results for a wide family of polynomial symbols PP. Given α\alpha, we exploit a Talbot-like effect to construct regular initial data whose solutions uu diverge in sets of Hausdorff dimension α\alpha. However, for quadratic symbols like the saddle, other kind of examples show that our positive results are sometimes best possible. To compute the dimension of the sets of divergence we use a Mass Transference Principle from Diophantine approximation theory

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