In this paper, we present a nozzle design of the 3D printing using FEniCS-HPC
as mathematical and simulation tool. In recent years 3D printing or Additive
Manufacturing (AM) has become a emerging technology and it has been already
in use for many industries. 3D printing considered as a sustainable production
or eco-friendly production, where one can minimize the wastage of the material
during the production. Many industries are replacing their traditional parts or
product manufacturing into optimized or smart 3D printing technology. In order
to have 3D printing to be efficient, this should have optimized nozzle design.
Here we design the nozzle for the titanium material. Since it is a metal during
the process it has to be preserved by the inert gas. All this makes this problem
comes under the multiphase flow. FEniCS-HPC is high level mathematical tool,
where one can easily modify a mathematical equations according to the physics
and has a good scalability on massively super computer architecture. And this
problem modelled as Direct FEM/General Galerkin methodology for turbulent
incompressible variable-density flow in FEniCS-HP