Bloom type inequality for bi-parameter singular integrals: efficient proof and iterated commutators


Utilising some recent ideas from our bilinear bi-parameter theory, we give an efficient proof of a two-weight Bloom type inequality for iterated commutators of linear bi-parameter singular integrals. We prove that if TT is a bi-parameter singular integral satisfying the assumptions of the bi-parameter representation theorem, then [bk,[b2,[b1,T]]]Lp(μ)Lp(λ)[μ]Ap,[λ]Api=1kbibmo(νθi), \| [b_k,\cdots[b_2, [b_1, T]]\cdots]\|_{L^p(\mu) \to L^p(\lambda)} \lesssim_{[\mu]_{A_p}, [\lambda]_{A_p}} \prod_{i=1}^k\|b_i\|_{{\rm{bmo}}(\nu^{\theta_i})} , where p(1,)p \in (1,\infty), θi[0,1]\theta_i \in [0,1], i=1kθi=1\sum_{i=1}^k\theta_i=1, μ,λAp\mu, \lambda \in A_p, ν:=μ1/pλ1/p\nu := \mu^{1/p}\lambda^{-1/p}. Here ApA_p stands for the bi-parameter weights in Rn×Rm\mathbb R^n \times \mathbb R^m and bmo(ν){\rm{bmo}}(\nu) is a suitable weighted little BMO space. We also simplify the proof of the known first order case.Juan de la Cierva - Formación 2015 FJCI-2015-24547, BCAM Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation SEV-2013-032

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