A Study of Fund Raising Strategy for Assembly and Testing of Semiconductor Industries: The Case of SPIL, ASE and Amkor


半導體業是台灣產業發展的基石,封裝測試業更是不可缺少之一環,由於近年來封裝測試業積極開發銅打線與高階封測技術,資本支出大幅擴增,若營運產生之自有資金無法滿足公司成長之需求,就必須透過銀行或資本市場募集外部資金。籌資策略往往能決定本次籌資是否能及時且有效的募集公司需要的資金,良好的籌資策略還能改善資本結構,降低控制權稀釋之風險。 本研究的目的主要針對世界前三大封裝測試廠的籌資策略作分析比較,透過本研究所挑選影響籌資策略的三大因素對世界前三大封裝測試廠在 2008~2012年的籌資活動作比較分析,以提供封裝測試業募集資金之參考。 本研究結論如下: 1..籌資目的:日月光與 Amkor 較常使用營運週轉與借新還舊等目的,而矽品較常使用資本支出之目的。 2.籌資時機:財務結構與利率狀況對三家個案公司的籌資決策影響較大,但由於三家個案公司多採舉債籌資,因此股價狀況對三家個案公司的影響較低。 3.籌資工具:籌資規模、資本結構與經營控制權對三家個案公司的籌資決策影響較大,而籌資成本的影響程度較低。Semiconductor industry is the foundation of Taiwan's industrial development and assembly and testing industry plays the important role in semiconductor industry. Recently, assembly and testing industry develops copper wire bonding and advanced packaging technology, thus capital expenditures increase significantly. If cash generated from operations is not enough, these companies must raise funds through banks or capital markets. Cash raising strategy can often determine whether this financing is timely and effective. Furthermore, a good cash raising strategy can improve the capital structure and reducing the risk of ownership dilution. The principal objectives of this thesis is to compare and analyze the funding strategies, selecting three key indicators, of the world's top three assembly and testing company in 2008 to 2012 as the case firms for cash raising in assembly and testing industries. The key conclusions of this thesis are as follows: 1. The cash raising purposes: ASE and Amkor's cash raising purposes usually is working capital or refunding, but SPIL use capital expenditures as cash raising purposes. 2.The timing of cash raising: Financial structure and interest rate makes significant influences to these case companies, but stock price makes less influence since most of the cash raised by loan. 3.The instruments of cash raising: Scale, capital structure and ownership dilution makes significant influences to these case companies instead of cash raising cost.謝誌 .........I 中文摘要.........ii 英文摘要.........iii 第一章 緒論 .........1 第一節 研究動機與目的 .........1 第二節 研究範圍 .........2 第三節 研究方法 .........3 第四節 研究架構與流程 .........3 第二章文獻探討與回顧 .........5 第一節 籌資決策理論探討 .........5 第二節 籌資工具簡介 .........6 第三節 籌資評估方式探討 .........7 第三章研究方法.........14 第一節 影響研究變數之因素 .........14 第二節 研究對象與資料來源.........14 第四章 個案分析與探討.........17 第一節 2008 年財務狀況與籌資策略 .........17 第二節 2009 年財務狀況與籌資策略 .........22 第三節 2010 年財務狀況與籌資策略 .........26 第四節 2011 年財務狀況與籌資策略 .........32 第五節 2012 年財務狀況與籌資策略.........36 第五章 研究結論與建議 .........41 第一節 研究結論 .........41 第二節 後續研究建議 .........4

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