

本研究探討以半製備反相管柱劃分結合超臨界二氧化碳抗溶沉澱技術,進行擬球藻玉米黃素的純化與微粒化,並獲得高純度及高回收率玉米黃素粉末。首先3克擬球藻以80:1(v/w)溶固比的超音波輔助攪拌萃取,得濃度24.3mg/gext玉米黃素粗萃物,再以體積比98:2之乙醇/丙酮溶液沖提,獲得管柱流析物,其中玉米黃素濃度與回收率分別達349.4 mg/g與85%。最後導入應答曲面實驗設計的超臨界二氧化碳抗溶沉澱法,探討進料流速與抗溶時間,分別對沉澱率、玉米黃素濃度、總玉米黃素回收率及顆粒粒徑的影響。應答實驗結果發現,經由超臨界抗溶沉澱程序後,成功獲得純度達845 mg/g的固態片狀玉米黃素奈米粉末,顆粒粒徑分佈在211nm 及2567nm之間。藉由2,2-二苯基-1-苦味胼基(DPPH)抗氧化活性測定,發現樣品中玉米黃素濃度越高,其抗氧化能力越高。 英文摘要 This study examined column elution fractionation and supercritical anti-solvent (SAS) process applied for purification and micronization of zeaxanthin from micro-algal Nannochloropsis Oculata. Crude extract containing 24.3 mg/gext zeaxanthin obtained from ultrasonic stirred extraction subjected to a pilot-scale column chromatography was successfully to yielding the product containing zeaxanthin with purity of 349.4 mg/g and recovery of 85%. Response surface methodology designed supercritical anti-solvent process with feed flow rates ranged from 0.1ml/min to 0.3ml/min and injection times ranged from 12min to 48min were investigated afterwards. Nanoparticles with mean sizes ranged from 211nm to 2567nm having high purity of 84.5% (wt) were obtained from the SAS process at suitable conditions. Anti-oxidative ability of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl was also studied. This work provided a low cost and environmental friendly process to produce pharmaceutical grade algal zeaxanthin using supercritical fluid micronization

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