Studies on Deastringenece of 'Bull Heart' Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Fruits during Soaked with CaO Suspension


本試驗目的為探討〝牛心柿〞以石灰水懸浮液浸泡處理後脫澀期間果實之生理變化及脫澀因子。石灰水懸浮液浸泡處理之柿果在30℃的條件下2天後即可完成脫澀。。乙醛的累積發生在石灰水處理3日後,而此時柿果已完成脫澀。。柿果果肉榨汁率含量在脫澀完成2日內的變化最大,可減少12%左右,而果肉中的含水量並無明顯變化,顯示水分型態的改變在脫澀過程中扮演一重要的角色。The objectives this experiment were to investigate the changes in fruit composition and the factors involved in deastringence of ‘Bull Heart' persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) fruits during immersion in CaO suspension. The astringency was removed completely from persimmon fruit by CaO suspension soaking treatment for 2days at 30℃. Acetaldehyde in persimmon fruit soaked in CaO suspension didn't accumulated during the first 2d, but gradually increase thereafter. These results indicated that the rate of the deastringency process was not positively correlated to the endogenous level of acetaldehyde attained in the persimmon fruit. In addition, the removal of astrinfency from persimmon fruit was accompanied with decrease in expressible water during CaO suspension soaking treatment. But, there was no changes in total water content in fruit during the treatments. The data suggest that water state was involved during induced deastringency of persimmon fruit

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