
Hagiography and Theology for a Comprehensive Reformed Church: John Gauden and the portrayal of Ralph Brownrigg


Ralph Brownrigg died in his lodgings in the Temple m London on 7 December 1659. He was buried at the Temple Church ten days later. John Gauden preached the funeral sermon and later remarked on the quality of his audience. Brownrigg's eminence was demonstrated, he suggested, "by that honourable and ample concourse of so many eagles to his corpse and funerals, which were attended by noblemen, by gentlemen, by judges, by lawyers, by divines, by merchants and citizens of the best sort then in London, these flocked to his sepulchre, these followed the bier, these recounted his worth, these deplored their own and their age's loss of him."This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Calvin Theological Seminary in the Calvin Theological Journal (2015) Vol. 50 Issue 2, pp. 181-210

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