Online Mathematics Diagnostic Test and Remediation for New Entrants in Higher Education in the Pacific Region


This paper highlights the pilot of an online diagnosis of the mathematics knowledge of secondary school graduates enrolling in a tertiary institution. Most institutions miss identifying the knowledge gaps and differences between students from different curriculum and backgrounds, hence fail to factor these in their at-risk intervention programmes. While such issues are addressed in the retention crusades, they may be arriving a little too late to curb and curtail the attrition rates. This newly developed online mathematics diagnostic tool (OMDT) provides an early indication of the varying mathematics knowledge students bring from their secondary school and the inbuilt system intelligence directs the individual students to relevant online remediation based on their performances. This new cutting-edge ICT tool hosted on Moodle, has built-in certification, rewards through gamification, surveys and analytics, support mechanisms, and online remedial modules crafted into a complete package

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