The Relationship among ERP Problem Type, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Service Performance-The Case of D System Integration Company


在面臨全球化競爭激烈的市場,企業要提升競爭優勢就必須依靠e化來改善內部流程並提升競爭力,因此導入企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning﹔ ERP)就成為企業e化的基礎建設,企業要能順利使用ERP系統並達成工作目標,除了系統廠商所提供的顧問輔導及系統環境建置、教育訓練外,最重要就是長期仰賴系統廠商的客服中心人員的協助;因此客服人員的服務品質及效率,就成為顧客評估是否與系統廠商長期合作並續購產品的重要考量,也相對影響了顧客對產品的忠誠度;因此其客服中心服務品質就成為系統廠商評估顧客滿意度的首要指標,而如何有效掌握客服人員績效並提升顧客滿意度,即成為系統廠商必須重視並面對的議題。本研究主要個案為ERP系統廠商之客服中心現況探討,蒐集2006-2009年客服中心所訪談的600多筆客戶滿意度資料,運用統計方法,探討: (1)ERP問題類型對顧客滿意度之影響;(2)顧客滿意度對客服人員績效之影響,期望可以將研究結果提供給D系統廠商改善或提升服務品質之參考,使業者能在有限的資源之下,更適切的提供符合企業客戶需求的服務。也可做為其他ERP系統廠商客服人員績效及提升客戶滿意度之參考。 本研究的結論及建議歸納如下: (一) 當ERP問題類型屬於專業管理性問題,其顧客滿意度較低。 因此建議個案公司可針對顧客不滿意的問題類型進行人員分組服務、加強專業管理類問題教育訓練、顧客問題知識庫建立;也可思考問題類型是否重新調整更聚焦客戶問題執行改善並提高顧客滿意度。 (二) 顧客滿意度對客服人員績效並無顯著影響。 建議訂定顧客滿意度為客服人員重要並有效影響性之績效指標或訂立激勵方式,促使客服人員以提升顧客戶滿意度為工作首要目標。Responding to the challenges of the highly competitive global market environment, enterprises rely on information technology, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, to streamline their internal processes, to improve efficiency and to boost productivity. Implementing ERP system becomes vital and essential for companies to stay competitive and to gain their competitive edges. The critical success factors in ERP projects are not only the consulting service, the project management, the software and hardware installations and the user trainings, but also the long term customer services and supports after the implementation phase. The quality of the customer service, hence, has become a major measure for companies on selecting their software vendors. As a software vendor or application service provider, ensuring quality customer service improves the customer experience, satisfaction, retention as well as loyalty. Therefore, the performance of the customer service center, or the customer call center, becomes significantly important; customers who are satisfied with the call-support experience are more likely to become loyal repeat customers and in turn reinforce the reputation of the software vendors. The main objective of this research is to study the relation between the performance of the customer service center and the customer satisfaction of an ERP system vendor. By collecting and analysis over 600 customer satisfaction surveys between 2006 and 2009, this research studies the followings: (1) The affect of ERP problem types on customer satisfaction. (2) The affect of customer satisfaction on the customer service performance. The results of this research would be a reference for software vendor D to improve their customer service quality and to develop services that meet customers' expectation and needs. The conclusion & recommendation of this research are as the followings: (1) If the ERP problem type is related to professional management problem, the customer satisfaction is relatively low. Therefore, the recommendation for the software vendor is to identify and classify the main problem types of their customers and to establish different service sub teams specifically for each main problem type. For the professional management problem type, this is necessary to reinforce the user trainings and to establish a knowledge base for continuous improvement. Furthermore, this is recommended to have a continuous study of the classification of the customer problem types and to make any adjustments and redefinitions if necessary in order to improve the customer satisfaction and retention. (2) Customer satisfaction has no significant effects on the performance of the customer service center or customer call center. Therefore, the recommendation for the customer service center is to identify and re-define Key Performance Indicators that are significantly related to the customer satisfaction; these indicators help the customer service team to clarify the real customer needs and to refocus on their organization and workforce in order to meet the customer expectation. Furthermore, to establish employee motivation and incentives programs enables the software vendor to facilitate a high performance customer service team that is able to continuously satisfy the user experiences, to boost the productivity as well as to maintain customer retention and loyalty.目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 表目錄 v 圖目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節研究背景與動機 1 第二節研究目的 3 第三節研究範圍 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節企業資源規劃(ERP) 5 第二節客服中心介紹 10 第三節顧客滿意度 16 第四節激勵理論 25 第五節績效管理 30 第三章 研究方法 39 第一節研究架構與假設 39 第二節研究對象 40 第三節變數操作型定義 49 第四節資料分析方法 52 第四章研究結果 53 第一節敘述統計 53 第二節問題類型對顧客滿意度、耗用時數之差異分析 56 第三節顧客滿意度、IT客服人員績效之相關分析 58 第四節人口變項對滿意度之分析 59 第五節結論 60 第五章 研究結論與建議 61 第一節研究結果與討論 61 第二節研究建議 62 第三節研究限制及後續研究之建議 64 參 考 文 獻 65 中文部分 65 英文部分 6

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