
Teen perspectives on HIV and the relevance of Hawaii's health providers.


Based on focus group interviews with adolescents from an urban Honolulu community, the present article describes how these adolescents view HIV, HIV-prevention and the role of health care providers in addressing HIV-related needs. Although medical providers are known to be knowledgeable experts in a variety of health care areas, other research points to an underutilization of this potential. While knowledgeable about HIV, many of the youth in this study continue to engage in risky behavior. Few perceive they have others they can meaningfully talk to about their HIV and other health concerns. Even when probed for, almost none of these teens saw health care providers as pertinent to HIV or their health beyond the traditional illness/prescription role. Suggestions for ways to get more involved in the prevention of HIV and, more generally, positive health development in teens are discussed.R01 MH47649-02S1/MH/NIMH NIH HHS/United State

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