
Prenatal care utilization in Hawaii: did it improve during the last 16 years?


This paper examines the utilization of prenatal care in Hawaii from 1979 to 1994 to determine if early and adequate utilization of prenatal care has changed during this period. Birth certificates of single live born infants of resident women were the source of data for the study. During the study period, the proportion of women receiving prenatal care in the first trimester increased by nearly 5 percent but was still below the national and state Year 2000 health objective of 90 percent. Notwithstanding this improvement, the percentage of women who did not receive the recommended number of visits in spite of starting care early significantly increased. The overall proportion of women with 'intensive' prenatal care use markedly increased (134.7%). The proportion of women with 'inadequate' care use declined (10.3%), although the proportion of women with 'no care' use doubled. Complete reporting of use of care through birth certificates markedly deteriorated. The findings of this study indicate the need for changes in the targeting and provision of counseling and education on the part of health care providers. Public health leaders, policy makers, health care providers, and advocacy groups need to collectively review programmatic directions with an aim toward the development of innovative approaches to address the emerging health needs of mothers and infants in the state

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