User Interfaces and Difference Visualizations for Alternatives


Designers often create multiple iterations to evaluate alternatives. Todays computer-based tools do not support such easy exploration of a design space, despite the fact that such support has been advocated. This dissertation is centered on this. I begin by investigating the effectiveness of various forms of difference visualizations and support for merging changes within a system targeted at diagrams with node and edge attributes. I evaluated the benefits of the introduced difference visualization techniques in two user studies. I found that the basic side-by-side juxtaposition visualization was not effective and also not well received. For comparing diagrams with matching node positions, participants preferred the side-by-side option with a difference layer. For diagrams with non-matching positions animation was beneficial, but the combination with a difference layer was preferred. Thus, the difference layer technique was useful and a good complement to animation. I continue by investigating if explicit support for design alternatives better supports exploration and creativity in a generative design system. To investigate the new techniques to better support exploration, I built a new system that supports parallel exploration of alternative designs and generation of new structural combinations. I investigate the usefulness of my prototype in two user studies and interviews. The results and feedback suggest and confirm that supporting design alternatives explicitly enables designers to work more creatively. Generative models are often represented as DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) in a dataflow programming environment. Existing approaches to compare such DAGs do not generalize to multiple alternatives. Informed by and building on the first part of my dissertation, I introduce a novel user interface that enables visual differencing and editing alternative graphsspecifically more than two alternatives simultaneously, something that has not been presented before. I also explore multi-monitor support to demonstrate that the difference visualization technique scales well to up to 18 alternatives. The novel jamming space feature makes organizing alternatives on a 23 monitor system easier. To investigate the usability of the new difference visualization method I conducted an exploratory interview with three expert designers. The received comments confirmed that it meets their design goals

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