Presented at the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2014), June 22-25, 2014, New York, NY.People often stay in touch with the weather forecast for various
reasons. We depend on knowing the upcoming weather conditions
in order to plan activities outside or even just to decide what to
wear on our way to work. With weather to go we present an auditory
weather report which informs the user about the future or
current weather situation when leaving home in the morning or
the office in the evening. The sonification is designed to be calm,
coherent and expectable so that it can blend well into the user’s familiar
environment. In this work the auditory display is activated
when somebody leaves through the door. The activity is sensed
by a multi-purpose sensor unit mounted at the door. When the
door is opened, weather to go renders and plays sounds that characterize
the weather forecast for the region where the system is
located. That way, the system raises the user’s awareness for suitable
clothes, transportation or route to take to the destination in the
right moment