
Ein Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem zur ressourcenschonenden Bewirtschaftung von Moorböden


Conventional agricultural and forestry use of wetlands require increasing drainage intensity. Due to drainage, cultivation and fertilization, wetlands emit large amounts of nutrients into adjacent ecosystems, and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Associated with these processes are the degradation of the organic soil and the loss of biodiversity. We have developed a Decision Support System (DSS) that provides basic information to farmers and planners to enable them to use peatlands in a more sustainable way by conserving peat. The DSS proposes adapted conventional and alternative land use options both for peatlands currently used for agricultural purposes and uncultivated, degraded ones. The DSS is based on a modular concept. Dichotomous decision trees are used as main model elements. The System gives a basic instruction to every branching point, explaining the decision relevant criteria and classification scheme, and providing further information such as references, weblinks or visual materials. The DSS is suitable for producing tailor-made proposals for the sustainable use of peatlands in accordance to the location. It's published as a web-based application

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