
Effect of disinfectants on viability of Ascaris suum and Ascaridia galli eggs


Ascaris suum and Ascaridia galli, the large round worm of pigs and poultry, respectively, persist even in intensive management systems, where a high level of hygiene is practiced. It is necessary to control these helminths to minimize production losses and improve animal welfare. Commercial disinfectants are commonly used to clean pens in conventional pig and poultry farms but their efficacy against the thick-shelled nematode eggs has not been sufficiently documented. However, it might be difficult to control these parasites because of their complex thick-shelled eggs, which can resist harsh environmental conditions. Commonly used disinfectants such as Virkon S®, FL-des GA® typically claim efficacy against viruses, bacteria and some fungi, but very few disinfectants (FL-des Allround®) claim to also eliminate parasite eggs

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