
Energiebilanzen und Erträge ökologischer und konventioneller Anbausysteme: erste Analyseergebnisse eines Dauerfeldversuchs in Süddeutschland


An agrosystems trial in the south of Germany (near Munich) was established in 2009/2010 to quantify, analyze and model the effects of four organic and two non-organic agricultural systems on the yields, the soil and the environmental footprint. The differential und influential factors between the systems are: crop rotation, harvest index, plant protection and fertilization. The first results in the years 2011-2013 have shown significant differences in the crop yield (winter wheat) and the crop rotation yield (grain units) between organic and conventional systems and within this groups. The energy efficiency in plant production of organic systems with organic manure (digestate and slurry) are in the average of three years almost double as high as organic and conventional cash crop systems or the conventional dairy system (dairy products or bioenergy not taken into account)

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