
Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de explotaciones caprinas extremeñas en áreas desfavorecidas como herramienta de apoyo en la conversión hacia explotaciones ecológicas.


INTRODUCTION: The Ibores-Villuercas region (located in SW Spain) is known for its dairy goat farms producing cheeses of high quality (P.D.O. Queso Ibores). The present study characterizes such farms and assess their sustainability, as a tool to determine which farms present more feasibility to carry out a conversion to the organic system. This conversion could be used as a marketing tool for these farms, and contribute to local development (both economically and socially), ensuring the maintenance of the farms and rural population while enabling the preservation of valuable landscapes. METHODOLOGY: farms where classified using cluster analysis. Later, a sustainability assessment of the clusters (groups of farms) was carried out. Finally, farms' difficulties and advantages producing under the organic model where predicted. RESULTS and DISCUSSION: 3 groups of farms were obtained. Group 1 farms were intensive ones, using highly-productive dairy breeds fed high proportion of concentrates. Group 2 were semi-extensive of higher surface and mixed with sheeps, where autochthonous and allochthonous races are reared, and management is closer to a traditional one. Finally, group 3 was a traditional one, closer to the orgnaic management, with low stocking rates and native breeds feeding local feed resources. Regarding the attributes of sustainability, group 3 showed advantages in terms of self-management, which is important under the organic system and areas of scarcity of feed resources (such as that studied)

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