
Efficient operation of recharging infrastructure for the accommodation of electric vehicles: a demand driven approach


Large deployment and adoption of electric vehicles in the forthcoming years can have significant environmental impact, like mitigation of climate change and reduction of traffic-induced air pollutants. At the same time, it can strain power network operations, demanding effective load management strategies to deal with induced charging demand. One of the biggest challenges is the complexity that electric vehicle (EV) recharging adds to the power system and the inability of the existing grid to cope with the extra burden. Charging coordination should provide individual EV drivers with their requested energy amount and at the same time, it should optimise the allocation of charging events in order to avoid disruptions at the electricity distribution level. This problem could be solved with the introduction of an intermediate agent, known as the aggregator or the charging service provider (CSP). Considering out-of-home charging infrastructure, an additional role for the CSP would be to maximise revenue for parking operators. This thesis contributes to the wider literature of electro-mobility and its effects on power networks with the introduction of a choice-based revenue management method. This approach explicitly treats charging demand since it allows the integration of a decentralised control method with a discrete choice model that captures the preferences of EV drivers. The sensitivities to the joint charging/parking attributes that characterise the demand side have been estimated with EV-PLACE, an online administered stated preference survey. The choice-modelling framework assesses simultaneously out-of-home charging behaviour with scheduling and parking decisions. Also, survey participants are presented with objective probabilities for fluctuations in future prices so that their response to dynamic pricing is investigated. Empirical estimates provide insights into the value that individuals place to the various attributes of the services that are offered by the CSP. The optimisation of operations for recharging infrastructure is evaluated with SOCSim, a micro-simulation framework that is based on activity patterns of London residents. Sensitivity analyses are performed to examine the structural properties of the model and its benefits compared to an uncontrolled scenario are highlighted. The application proposed in this research is practice-ready and recommendations are given to CSPs for its full-scale implementation.Open Acces

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