Che suono fa il vostro prodotto? Dalle composizioni sperimentali di John Cage alla ricerca della sonorità ideale: i materiali al servizio del sound design


This contribution deals with the theme of sound design, as well as the support provided by material libraries such as MATto, the material library of Politecnico di Torino, to designers and firms in this context. A first overview on the theoretical research on soundscape by John Cage will introduce the main topic of everyday sounds design. The research opportunity offered by MATto will be disclosed as well as the SounBe tool and method developed and adopted by Politecnico di Torino design researchers in order to “sound” and verbally categorize different material samples and foods. The main key points of the SounBe database will be outlined, such as the presence of materials indexed by sound descriptors, and several application of sound design in the industrial field will be sketched. Finally, the topic of the responsibility for the soundscape generation will be discussed and the role of the designers in this context will be pointed out

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