Design and development of a multicopter for medical applications


An innovative field of application of small UAVs is the medical rescue and the telemedicine after a disaster relief, like landslides, earthquakes and floods, but also to support the armed forces deployed in humanitarian missions. A multicopter with eight coaxial rotors is developed meeting the requirements of efficiency, portability, reliability and multi-tasking. In particular, the UAV will carry an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), medicines and basic necessities, also in unfriendly scenarios where the autonomous navigation and take-off and landing are necessary. First, customers’ needs and then requirements of the multicopter are studied; thus, the UAV is developed, also after a market research of the electronic components. When the vehicle is assembled, some flight tests are realized to define performances, the security of the vehicle and therefore to certificate it. Finally, a remote simulator is designed because non-professional pilots, like medical and paramedical operators, use the multicopter and they need to train before the flight

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