Assessment of Carbon Flows Associated with Forest Management and Biomass Procurement for the Laskin Biomass Facility


This carbon life cycle analysis of forest-derived biomass was developed as part of a larger assessment by Minnesota Power detailing fuel supply, fuel procurement plans, and project engineering for a new 26-megawatt biomass generation facility in Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Forest-derived biomass is a renewable fuel that can be procured locally from forest harvest residues, mill residues, material from early thinnings and land cleaning, short rotation woody crops, brush, and urban wood waste. Energy generation from renewable fuels like forest biomass may dramatically alter the carbon balance in comparison to the use of fossil fuels like coal or natural gas. This study identifies the source and rate of carbon accumulation by tracking key inputs and outputs from forests through the conversion, regrowth and management activities over a 100-year period—the net carbon impact

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