
Records of the Carolina Parakeet in Ohio


Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Albany, N.Y.A review of ornithological and early travelers' reports of the Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis) in Ohio shows some long-standing claims to be unconvincing. This applies to Audubon (Lake Erie at the mouth of the Maumee), Moselcy (near Sandusky), Langdon (a lone claim of breeding near Cincinnati). There appear to be reliable northerly reports for the species from Tuscarawas and Summit Counties westward to Miami County and southward to the middle and lower Ohio valley. Records for southeastern Ohio counties along the Ohio are scarce. A Cleveland specimen (ca. 1863) can probably be ignored, while a late report of a flock at Columbus in 1862 probably warrants more confidence

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