
Racial Residential Segregation in Ohio's Eigh Largest Cities: 1950-1980


Author Institution: Department of Urban Studies, The University of AkronRacial residential segregation patterns in the eight largest Ohio cities are examined from 1950-1980 to determine if certain gains which blacks recently have made in other areas of life have been translated into improved residential integration. Data were collected from the 1950, I960, 1970, and 1980 United States Censuses of Population and Housing at the census tract level. The index of dissimilarity is used to measure residential segregation at both the central city and outside central city levels of the Standard Metropolitan Statistical area. Results indicate improvement in residential segregation during the 1970s for both the central cities and the suburbs, although the levels of segregation remain high overall. Cleveland, home to nearly one-fourth the black population of the state, remains highly segregated, both in the central city and in its suburbs

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