
Effect of Diet on the Growth and Survival of Adrenalectomized Rats Treated with Corticosterone


Author Institution: Department of Anatomy, Medical College of Ohio at Toledo ; Bureau of Biological Research, Rutgers UniversityDietary protein content did not influence the life sustaining capacity of a daily 300 vg dose of corticosterone in adrenalectomized rats. A lower daily dosage of 150 ng was less effective when animals were fed a 5% casein diet. Depletion of body protein stores prior to adrenalectomy did not significantly alter the response pattern of animals maintained on a daily 300 fxg dose of corticosterone. Reducing the dietary protein content from 20% to 10% interfered with the capacity of the daily 150 /Jig dosage of corticosterone to support body weight gain in adrenalectomized rats. No significant changes in bod}^ weight were noted in adrenalectomized animals fed a 5% casein diet. Protein depletion had a favorable effect on this aspect of the hormone's activity when adrenalectomized rats were treated with the daily 300 ,ug dosage and refed 10% or 20% casein diets. Adrenalectomized animals maintained under these experimental conditions gained more weight than nondepleted animals fed the same diets

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