
Author Institution: National Bureau of Standards; The Johns Hopkins UniversityThe absorption spectra of D2OD_{2}O and mixtures of heavy and light water vapor have been measured between 1.2 and 2.8ΞΌ2.8 \mu. With the 15,000 line/inch grating, effective slits of about .15cmβˆ’1.15 cm^{-1} could be used, resulting in considerably better resolution and greater detail than in any previously reported bands of D2OD_{2}O and HDO. A multiple reflection cell with a path of 6 meters was used, heated to about 70∘C70^{\circ}C in order to increase the density of the absorbing molecules. The analysis of the 101 and 111 bands of D2OD_{2}O at 5373.6 and 6533.4cmβˆ’16533.4 cm^{-1}, respectively, have been verified and extended1,2extended^{1,2} and we have observed and analyzed two new bands of this molecule, 011 at 3956.3cmβˆ’13956.3 cm^{-1} and 201 at 7899.7cmβˆ’17899.7 cm^{-1}. The analyses have been extended to higher J-values than in previous work and yields improved rotational constants. We have also observed and measured a number of lines attributed to be HDO molecule, particularly in the regions centering about 4105cmβˆ’1(Ξ½1+Ξ½24105 cm^{-1} (\nu_{1} + \nu_{2}) and 5103cmβˆ’1(Ξ½2+Ξ½35103 cm^{-1} (\nu_{2} + \nu_{3}) and 6460cmβˆ’16460 cm^{-1}. The rotational analysis of these bands is in progress and will be reported on

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