
1^{1}M. Chergul, V. Chandrasekharan, W. Bohmer, R. Haensel, H. Wilcke, and N. Schwentner, Chem. Phys. Lett. 105, 386 (1984). 2^{2}M. Huber, Helv. Phys. Acta, 37, 329 (1964).Author Institution: Chemical Physics Laboratory, SRI International; Chemical Physics Laboratory, SRI InternationalBy using the techniques of stimulated emission pumping combined with fluorescence dip spectroscopy it has been possible to characterize the getastable NO(L^{\prime}^{2}\Phi) state. The spectroscopic parameters are: Te=53740.81Β±0.20cmβˆ’1re=1.4204Β±0.0037AΛšΟ‰e=999.36Β±0.18cmβˆ’1Ο‰exe=9.92Β±0.03cmβˆ’1Be=1.1189Β±0.0029cmβˆ’1Ξ±e=0.019Β±0.0027cmβˆ’1A=βˆ’42.480Β±0.032βˆ’0.310Β±0.035(v+1/2)cmβˆ’1 \begin{array}{ll} T_{e}=53740.81\pm0.20 cm^{-1} & r_{e} = 1.4204\pm 0.0037 \textrm{\AA}\\ \omega_{e} = 999.36\pm 0.18 cm^{-1} & \omega_{e} x_{e} = 9.92\pm 0.03 cm^{-1}\\ B_{e} = 1.1189 \pm 0.0029 cm^{-1} & \alpha_{e} = 0.019\pm 0.0027 cm^{-1}\\ A = -42.480\pm 0.032-0.310\pm 0.035(v+1/2) cm^{-1} & \end{array} The state is produced by initially populating NO(B^{\prime}^{2}_{\Delta_{5/2}}, v = 3, J= 7.5) with 157.630 on radiation from an F2F_{2} laser. While observing the Bβ€²βˆ’XB^{\prime}-X fluocescence emission, a Raman-shifted dye laser is tuned through the appropriate spectral regions (950-1300 nm), and intensity decreases are observed at the positions of the J = 6.5, 7.5, and 8.5 rotational levels of the 2Ξ¦^{2}\Phi state (as well as other states). The first four vibrational levels have been detected in this manner, with the numbering being confirmed by the recent matrix isolation detection of v=0 by Chergui et al.1al.^{1} Perturbations in the v=1 level of the B^{\prime}^{2}\Delta state, postulated by Huber2Huber^{2} as being due to the L^{\prime}^{2}\Phi state, are shown to involve the v=9 level. Supported by the National Science Foundatio

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