
Consumo e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da energia de silagens de quatro genotipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) por ovinos.


The nitrogen balance, the consumption and the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and the energy of the silages of four genotypes of sorghum were evaluated. The consumption of dry matter and crude energy did not differ among the hibrids. The largest apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude energy and the consumption of digestible dry matter and energy, were observed for BR601 genotype. The largest consumption of crude protein, was observed for BR700 and the smallest for AG2002 genotypes (P<0.05). The largest apparent digestibility of protein was observed for BR601 and the smallest one for BR701 (P<0.05) genotype. The consumption of digestible protein was larger for BR601 and BR700. All treatments showed positive nitrogen balance and did not differ among them

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