Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en Communicatietheorie (WIC)
An efficient. way t.o t.mnsmil, mul/.'i-view images is to send a single te:Di.uTe image togelheT with a cOTTesponding depth-map. The dept.h-map spec~fies the distance vetween each pi.1;d and the cam em,. With t.his inforrnat.ion, aTvit.m.7·y 3-D views can be genemt.cd at the decodeT. In this papeT, we pmpose a new algor'ithm for the coding of depth-maps that. pTOvides an efficient. re]wesent.ation of smooth regions as well as geome/,ric featuTes such as object. contO'llTs. OUT alg07it,hm uses a segmcnt.ation pmCed'llTC based on a quadt.Tee decomposition and TTI,odds the depth-map content. wit.h piecewise linear' funct.ions. We achieved a vit,-rat.e as low as 0.33 vii/pi.Tel, wit.hout any cntrvpy coding. The attmct.ivity (~r the coding algorit.hm is that., vy e.Tploiting spec~fic pTOper·ties of depth-maps, no degmdat.ions are shown along discont.iTl.1Lities, which is import.ant. few depth percept.ion