Increasing the benefits of stadiums for a municipality through sustainable development : a case study of Stadion Feijenoord


Almost all Dutch municipalities hosting a professional football club are owner of the stadium. The uncertainty of the indirect social and economic benefits of a stadium together with often unhealthy financial situations of professional sports club can result in the vacancy of the stadium. Thus, unmonitored decisions bring along irresponsible high financial risks for these municipalities in relation to the gained benefits. With sustainable (re)development these stadiums can become more beneficial for both the municipality and the main user, a sport club itself. A questionnaire among 31 City Councillors of the Dutch cities Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Enschede showed that limited financial risks and attracting companies are the most important criteria for public investments in stadium projects. Specific aspects related to sustainability had a lower impact, but the sustainability of the whole project, including long-term planning for example could increase the benefits for municipalities. A case study of Stadion Feijenoord was analysed for this research

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