CPN Tools 4 : a process modeling tool combining declarative and imperative paradigms


CPN Tools is a tool for modeling, simulating, and analyzing colored Petri nets. The latest iteration of the tool, CPN Tools 4, extends this with constraints known from declarative languages such as Declare and DCR Graphs. Furthermore, this version introduces an explicit process perspective, powerful extensibility allowing third parties to extend the tools capabilities, and a visualization perspective making it possible to make high-level visualizations of executions directly in the tool. In our demonstration, we show how it is possible to create models incorporating declarative and imperative constructs and how to use these models to generate simulation logs that can be directly imported into ProM. We show o¿ the new process perspective on top of colored Petri nets, exemplify the use of the perspective to generate readable Java code directly from models, and show how the visualization perspective makes it possible to show the formal underlying model alongside an easier-to-grasp for non-experts high-level visualization. Our intended audience comprise current users of CPN Tools interested in recent developments and practitioners interested in colored Petri nets and hybrid models. We expect to tailor each demonstration to the wishes of the audience

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