L’utilizzo del Lat Gel nell’anestesia locale delle ferite pediatriche in Pronto Soccorso


Sedation and analgesia are common strategies to manage acute procedural pain and anxiety in Emergency Department, but no standardized protocol in children is approved. Application of topical LATgel (Lidocaine 4%, Adrenaline 0,05%, Tetracaine 0,5%) on wounds before painful procedures seems to be as effective as intradermal infiltrations in reducing procedural pain. A review of 34 paediatric cases from Pavullo Hospital (MO, Italy) presenting with laceration requiring suture was conducted. Pain assessment was performed in triage and, after 30mins of LATgel application, from parents, children and doctors during the suture. LATgel administration improves children’s compliance, minimizing pain and related fear during procedures. Our findings are consistent with international literature

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