An introduction to Randell Mills' Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUT-CP) : an Eindhoven University of Technology Honors Program 2007-2008 research project


This document represents the results of a year of research as part of the Honors Program of Eindhoven University of Technology. We heard about Randell L. Mills abandoning Quantum Mechanics and proposing an alternative theory. This sounded interesting enough to contact Gerrit M.W. Kroesen whose group was looking into Mills’ experiments. After some first brainstorms we decided that the best way for us to contribute to the research would be by looking at the theory Mills is proposing. Kroesen arranged a visit to Mills in February. We would be able to ask questions about the theory and get things explained. This resulted in a shift in our focus. We went on to collect a list of questions regarding the theory, it’s assumptions, propositions and derivations. During the visit Mills explained his theory to us giving special attention to the questions we send him on forehand. This helped greatly our understanding of his theory and the relation to the more accepted Quantum Mechanics. After the visit we started to write an introduction to his theory, explaining in short the key concepts. We wanted to help people going to work in this field to get to know important concepts and critics without having to look trough the whole derivation. This introduction became the paper you are reading right now. We will give a short history of atomic theory including a short summary of the atom-model of Quantum Mechanics. Mills criticizes Quantum Mechanics, so we extracted his main arguments against it. Later we explain the key concept of Mills’ theory: his electron model, and the implications it may have for our energy economy. We will conclude with a short mention of the experiments taking place to falsify or verify Mills’ claims

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    Last time updated on 18/06/2018