
Analysis of scientific production in oral pathology: a descriptive study


Objective: This research aimed to make a profile of the researches in an oral pathology post graduate program regarding to annual distribution, research subjects and financial support. Methods: The publications from the Annals Books from the Annual Session of the Brazilian Society of Research in Odontology (SBPqO) were analyzed, since 1984 until 2009. The sample was composed by 116 works, with the greater part (88) done after the doctoral program creation. Results: Seventeen (14.6%) works were made prior to creation of doctorate program, and the major part (n=99 / 85.4%) was done after that. The prevalent research subjects were: oral cancer (31.8%) and odontogenic cysts and tumors (18.2%). CNPq and CAPES were the most remarkable financial support agencies, with 30.8% and 24.8% each one, respectively. Conclusions: The program evaluated here exemplifies the scientific production of post graduation programs in oral pathology, showing its role in execution and publication of scientific works, also following the changes in research that occurred in Brazil in the last decades

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