The meaning of street art in the quest of democracy: Gezi Park protests and carnation revolution


Street art can often be a mirror of society. It is one of the most important tools to express the economic, political and social conditions of society. Many people’s ideas can merge and recombine on the city walls, and as a result, they can become more than they were as separate ideas. With this in mind, the basis of this research was the role of street art in protests and the relationship between street art and society. By examining the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon and the Gezi Park protest in Istanbul, we recognize the importance of street art in these changing times. While those two movements are separated by many years of time, they demonstrate that the overall feelings about protest have remained the same in many ways. One of those ways is their use of street art for political purposes. The results of the research conducted on this topic have been reflected in this thesis

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