The Power of a Cultural Campus: Lincoln Center's Economic Impact on New York City
Publication date
6 June 2016
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
Lincoln Center, the cultural heart of New York City for over half a century, is also an important economic force, according to a new report released today. Lincoln Center's 11 resident cultural organizations and its three long-term licensees hosted 4.5 million people in the 2015 fiscal year, and the cultural campus contributed 2.4billionineconomicimpactinNewYorkCity.Inaddition,NewYorkersbenefitedfromaccesstofreeperformances:332.4 billion impact consists of direct spending by Lincoln Center of 785.4millionandindirectspendingof1.4 billion. Lincoln Center tourists--audience members from out of town who said that Lincoln Center was a very important reason for their trip to New York City--spent 669.8million,havinganimpactof1 billion. This economic activity created nearly 16,000 jobs in the city. Some highlights from the report: Lincoln Center contributed 2.4billiontoNewYorkCity′seconomyinthe2014−2015season.LincolnCenterorganizationsspent785.4 million in New York City during that period, having an economic impact of 1.4billion.113.5 million in New York City taxes were collected. Lincoln Center tourists--audience members from out of town who said that Lincoln Center was a very important reason for their trip to New York City--spent 669.8million,havinganimpactof1 billion. 15,802 New York City jobs were created by this economic activity. 71% of Lincoln Center expenditures were on program-related labor and expenses. 44% of all attendees took advantage of Lincoln Center free events, programs, and admissions. Nearly 1.5 million people attended a free performance, and another half million visited the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, to attend free events