
A South African review of harmonic emission level assessment as per IEC61000-3-6


Large-scale renewable power producing plants are being integrated into South African networks. Network operators need to ensure that Renewable Power Plants (RPP) do not negatively affect the power quality levels of their networks, as harmonics amongst others could become a concern. IEC 61000-3-6 details a method for allocating voltage harmonic emission limits for distorting loads. This method works well for the allocation of emission limits; however it does not address the management of harmonic emissions once a plant is connected to the network. The management of harmonic emissions requires that network operators measure or quantify the emissions from loads and generators to determine compliance. Post-connection quantification of harmonic levels and compliance is a challenge for network operators. The question asked is “How should a network operator measure/quantify the harmonic emissions of a load/generator to establish compliance with the calculated limits as per IEC 61000-3-6”. This paper reviews within a South African context methods of assessing harmonic emission levels and then evaluates these methods by means of field data. Opportunities for improvement are identified and operational requirements discussed

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